
Entries in leo laporte (73)


Leo interviews Steve Martin via Facetime!

In case you missed it, Steve Martin (yes, that Steve Martin) called into Leo's show, "The Tech Guy" today. Watch Leo interview Steve, over Facetime and answer some of his questions on Twitter and calendaring. If you have the answer to the last question, please post it in the comments below.

You can also download the video and audio here:


New TWiT Interview series - we need a name!

In October, we launched a new interview show co-hosted by Leo and Tom. The idea was born after Leo interviewed Don Tapscott, who promoted his new book Macrowikinomics.

This still untitled show is a 30-45 min discussion with high profile newsmakers/big thinkers. Many of the people interviewed so far have been guests on TWiT in the past. However, this is an opportunity to have an open discussion on anything.

We have a couple of interviews lined up this month.

-November 17th at 4pm PST: Kevin Kelly, author of "What Technology Wants"

-November 24th at 4pm PST: Gary Vaynerchuck

Here's our interview with Steve Wozniack:

Next was EFF founder John Perry Barlow:

Then former Digg CEO Jay Adelson:

What do you think about the show? Let us know in the comments and suggest a name!


MacBreak Weekly, Pre-show 11/9/2010

By popular demand, here's the big pre-show before Episode 220. We'll have a downloadable version soon! I'll update here when it's available.

TWiT shows "bring the funny"

This is nothing new to those of you who are long time viewers/listeners. However, I'm still a n00b and honestly had no idea that many of the hosts constantly "bring the funny"! Take your pick: pre, post or during the show. Whatever the time, there is almost always something funny shared.

It's a new goal of mine to take excerpts from the livestream and post them - specifically pre or post show. Here are some of my picks from the last week:

Gina's Tip of the week, The Facebook Condom:

Windows Weekly - the scissors incident:

iPad Today, Sarah needs a barber:

I'll try and post interesting and funny clips when I see them. If you have suggestions, let me know! In the meantime, subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to see the funny!


The real TWiT Producer revealed!

It's Ozzy Laporte!!!! Thanks to Jacob for this screen grab.

Bonus: caption this and post in the comments. Best answer will win a small prize!