
Entries in leo laporte (73)


What happens in Vegas...

I thought it would be sacrilegious to attend BlogWorld 2010 and not blog about our travels. So here goes. Leo, Lisa, Tom, Sarah and myself attended the show for a brief day.

Here's Leo with a recap:

We even went live with TNT from the blogger lounge.

The video quality wasn't ideal (we had issues on the show floor), but the audio was nice and clean thanks to Blog World Radio. Make sure to scroll to the end of the video for an outtake. Our video went down during the first sponsor read and Jason, Ken and Burke improvised.

Unfortunately we missed most of the panels, but at least we got to walk to show floor!

It was such a fast and furious weekend and in the end we were all pretty beat, but no one more tired than our Chief TWiT. I took this photo and used for the filter. By the way, we were snapping fools on this trip.

Oh, and our hotel was the Mandalay Bay, profiled in the movie The Hangover. Unfortunately, no tigers, babies, or Mike Tyson encounters on this trip.

I have one more video to share, but I think I need Leo and Sarah's permission first ;)


Inside TWiT is back!

Message from the Chief TWiT:


A very good video about TWiT

Jonathan Marks, a British guy from The Netherlands who works on podcasting projects in West Africa, took on another interesting project as he interviewed Leo, Dane and Colleen about the nature of TWiT.

Inside Leo Laporte's TWiT Cottage, Petaluma from Jonathan Marks on Vimeo.


Free Wi-Fi here

Here's the viral video about a woman who called in to Leo about how to keep getting free Wi-Fi. More than 500,000 views so far.

Loren Feldman gets no TWiT ScottEVest Fleece

Loren Feldman thinks Leo hates him and he's still bummed that he doesn't have a TWiT ScottEVest fleece. Loren appeared on TWiT 212: Leave The Gun, Take The Calacanis

BTW ScottEVest is having their year-end sale today. Not on TWiT merchandise.

REVISED: Scott Jordan responds